AgriFoodBC Projects

The BC Ministry of Agriculture - Statistics

The statistics department of the BC Ministry of Agriculture needed to enhance the use and dissemination of valuable industry information. Using AgriFoodBC's easy to deploy and customize web tools, they were able to develop a site that turned stifling numbers into visualized data that was better and easier to use and to understand.

Posted on Oct 31, 2021
by AgriFoodBC


The Ministry of Agriculture Statistics department produces vast amounts of data. However the data is not fully utilized by farmers and organizations in the sector that could benefit them in running their operations more efficiently. The department needed a site to publish data in a way that could be better used by farmers.


Using the statistics module developed for the site, data can now be presented to the sector in an easy to understand format. Infographics are now used to present data in a visually captivating and easy to understand format.
"It’s great to be able to make changes to the data and have the program recreate the graphics so quickly!"
Carmen M, Ministry of Agriculture


Massive amounts of data on trade and commodity profiles are now being published directly to the website. This enables the sector to access, better understand and utilize data to better run their farms.

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