The Provincial Agricultural Land Commission (ALC), formerly the Land Reserve Commission, is an independent Crown agency dedicated to protecting the scarce supply of agricultural land that is important to the current and future needs of British Columbia.
The Oregon Raspberry & Blackberry Commission (ORBC) was established in 1981. The commission consists of nine members: seven grower and two processor members. Their primary focus is promotion of caneberries. Strong secondary directions are research and...
This is the homepage for the California Strawberry Commission.
The Oregon Strawberry Commission (OSC) was established in 1967 and was the first Oregon berry commission to be created. The OSC has seven commissioners: two processor members and five grower members.
The British Columbia Farm Industry Review Board ("FIRB") is an independent body responsible for the general supervision of British Columbia's commodity marketing boards and commissions; hearing complaints about odour, noise, dust or other disturbances...