Canadian Automated Export Declaration (CAED) Program. This new program gives registered exporters and agents the opportunity to report goods electronically to the Federal Government of Canada instead of via the current paper based reporting method.
This Act deals with the establishment, maintenance, alteration and regulation of public highways in the Province, including bridges and tunnels.
This Act establishes legislation for motor vehicle operations. Disclaimer: This document is not an official version of the Act.
This legislation provides the authority for motor vehicle regulations, registration and licensing for commercial transport vehicles as well as commercial vehicle configuration and safety standards.
This Act provides the authority for the Workers' Compensation Board. The Board is an administrative agency that oversees programs and services that support the safety, protection and health of persons in the workplace.
This comprehensive Act provides the authority for all matters pertaining to health & disease prevention within the Province. The Act establishes a framework aimed at maintaining public health by preventing & removing a broad range of health hazards.
This Act provides the government with the authority to collect taxes from the sale of motor fuel.
Provides regulatory information on export inspection and certification exemptions. Disclaimer: This document is not an official version.
Regulations stating which diseases are reportable under the Health of Animals Act. Disclaimer: These documents are not the official version.
Consolidated Statutes and Regulations. Seeds Act ( R.S. 1985, c. S-8 ) Disclaimer: These documents are not the official version.
Regulations respecting the quality of seeds and the testing, inspection and sale thereof.
Order determining the species of plants, the seeds of which are deemed to be weed seeds. Disclaimer: These documents are not the official version.
Order determining the species of plants, the seeds of which are deemed to be weed seeds. Disclaimer: These documents are not the official version.