Additional Resources : This a short list of publications that may be of interest to those seeking further reading on agritourism
By providing resources for teachers to use in their classrooms that will help them to explore the role the food production system plays in our everyday lives Agriculture in the Classroom will help our children better understand why our food system is...
AgAware BC is an industry-run agriculture awareness program for British Columbia.
The Centre for Tourism Policy and Research provides leadership in developing and delivering high quality research and professional education which encourages excellence in the management of tourism.
The focus of this program is on the provision of leisure experiences for domestic and international visitors. The program assesses the impact of tourism on individuals, communities, and the environment in order to develop best practices for...
The Tourism Management Program - prepares graduates for positions in firms or organizations engaged in developing new tourism products and services or expanding the existing demand for these services; in destination management organizations where...
This site contains information on worker saftey and includes a worker orientation checklist.
Department of Agricultural Economics and Business, University of Guelph. Offering graduate degree programs MSc and PhD in Agricultural Economics, Resource and Environmental Economics, Rural Studies and International Development Studies. MBA program.
, including individuals and communities. Our strength comes from our diversity and our depth in both the natural and social sciences. We are different from any other faculty in the country and clearly